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  • Writer's pictureSpiritual Rocky


Updated: 6 days ago

"Paradise is not as far away as we may think. Truth and reality is its vacation getaway and our Home away

from Home.



(Promotion by a dearly departed mother)

"Every day is a choice between stepping into Heaven, or going through Hell. One door or way is always open or clear. The other has be opened or chosen unless it's the other door or way."

Eveyday day we are presented with a lot of choices with options to be in a variety of places or spaces. A host of variations and possibilities that from the many we choose the better place or the good place to be, hopfully hoping it isn't the reason we need to choose again but the reason we realize choosing the better or the good that is better, is, even if not chosen but also that the next may be.

It's interesting that with the many choices to choose from and at our disposal and the many possibilities to consider and grant ourselves, we only really want peace and self-assurance and understanding and not war. That's the rub. We go looking where they are not, especially if we're looking or going where we haven't put them where they could be not knowing they're with us having decided where they are not where we want them to be.

But we yet choose what they aren't and where they can't be and offer up explanations of why we can't experience them and only find battle, fatigue, and pain for our efforts being lost in the false treasure and find the undesired and suffering.

We continue fighting for well being and wellness at all costs in all the wrong places and all the wrong ways not knowing or finding or realizing what's real or True or what would heal and offer something real ever with us. This doesn't have to be if we would Truly believe in them and in us and let go of all that would attempt to take away or redirect us from ourselves and what we really want. If our desire and belief and choosing is strong enough, it will be. Here's the kicker---it already is, and, we already have.

Our battles in life are a fight to lose if its only with ourselves. If we think it's with another, or with something or someone else, we misconstrue who is fighting and who needs to win and what is really going on. But if we are fighting ourselves there's no real fight, because there's no real winner, because the winner is the loser. And if we lose the real fight for ourselves the only victory is knowing there's no losing if we stop battling against ourselves and who we really are and that trying to win ourselves back is just accepting we can stop fighting for our own.

If we can accept this and Truly know and believe it we can be released from our nightmares and dilemmas and our struggles and suffering and Truly be Home again. In reality it's not about winning but just about being who we really are and that that's enough to win the battle of understanding and True thought and to stop the suffering of its denial and the process of its undoing.

Every door is the gateway to magical places and realities or to the darkness of lost identity and false Truth. Often story- generated identities are the cause of suffering and the reason for going through the wrong door, because who one thinks he is is not the real story but the reality of his seeing not the reality of his Being and the Truth beyond and greater than all seeing and any other believing or knowing.

Centering yourself on the Truth and who you really are is the all of it and the all of everything and the starting point if where you were going is not where you started from and where you don't want to be again bringing you closer to the better of life and understanding and the greater of its peace and the all of its True gifts.

These doors lead to places or ways we can be and are something we can enter or go through to become by will whatever reality and presence we choose them to be, but they can be the Truth above all and what we really want or need.

We obviously want them to be what rings the greatest Truth of ourselves and who we are and to bring the better of experience, or at least not the bringer of the greatest false thought we can have or the hardest day we would never want to imagine. But is this the actual choice and intention and the grace and gift we give ourselves? It seems not that often. And more than that it seems natural that we don't. But is it?

What we put forth or send out in our personal energy has an energy of its own and has a lot to do with what we see or experience in our daily lives and what we make it out to be and is always what we intend and decide that to be. It may not necessarily be what we hoped for or want or what is actually there. But if we put it there, it would have to be. What we Truly benefit from is Truth, in everything. What we don't benefit from is the false, in anything.

What we hope or want could be inexorably intertwined with the fear of receiving or achieving something else, which is interesting because it is a True choice and a choice in itself, and it's not choosing wrongly just choosing against our True desire and wish, which doesn't have to be if we don't place our focus and our thinking and our intentions on the wrong thing or on a false wish and an untenable and short-lived desire that gives very little if not anything really at all.

The Universe gives always to the greater and more consistent of projections even if it is the unwanted but can just as easily undue the false treasure and false choice and with Spirit and the God above close the gap and the wrong door and help prevent the journey on forsaken and mis chosen lands if we're not the gatekeeper to our own dark day and the non-aware world and to the non-aware world inside us even if we don't realize it.

But it doesn't often seem like we have a lot of great options or real choices out there since we often choose from the lesser not the greater of the good and open doors that should be permanently shut or never opened. Or we go where we wished we hadn't only to leave or keep the door open for our return and for anything else that wants to come along that's not good company or very much good for us at all.

Sometimes we have to put the brakes on what's useless or not True, otherwise we'll go with things that won't stop but will stop on their own that won't consider what they crash into but will consider all the good it can put in its way to change the course of its purpose and its benefit to us in every way.

There are many ways and many times what we choose is almost completely perfunctory or obligatory in nature or what we think is natural to do or in consideration of 'the mop and bucket, 'day in the life' kind of things, which we have to consider because it's how we run and conduct our lives or believe we have to. They can, though, not be what we want or are really looking for, which of course is life and living life Truly and abundantly.

Our lives are purposeful and have meaning of course, but too often lack good or clear direction and are based on fear or insecurity or unfulfilled desire even doubt and confusion that may or may not come to higher understanding not grasping, then, the True reality of it or of what we are Truly living, or think we aren't. We hope it does and that we are, but something can still be missing. We can find it.

We know when we're off the track of the good when we fear less the fearful and fear more the Truth and Truthful and when we feel less than enthused or less than spirited or even not satisfied if not downright downcast and crestfallen and wistful about what we've assumed or considered our Truth and reality to be in the course of our living what doesn't always readily appear to be what they really are. True or worthy living is not just the living of the good, but in the living of the not so good, we can't forget or dismiss what truly benefits and what truly informs and holds the reigns and has the true handle of our time in the sun and our time with what truly is appreciating what got us there.

The drama after drama that is the soap opera of our lives where our stories take center stage to the True story yet to tell and live and the True identity yet to shine and be is our dilemma and our delayed paradise and often our Achilles heel to our Joy and peace and our True reality and our island of peace and sanity that is quiet, self-assured, without conflict, and without compromise. It is there. But are we?

It's said story-generated identities is the real problem humanity faces and the reason it keeps encountering its problems in repetition and the reason it's bound by them.

But it can also be the reason it doesn't keep becoming the experience and is freed from them.

But how do you get there you may ask? You become who you are and then get there by being there, or, by being it and then get out of your way. Yeah, it seems simplistic and too esoteric and "out there" but so is Truth. Checking in with your Spirit is the fastest tract to all its destinations and the only place you can ever be that actually gets you there or somewhere.

The signposts are everywhere you allow them to be. You can't see them but only when you turn around from where you have not put them but where they could always be placed, otherwise can see nothing and then ask where can they be?

I think we lose our way because we think these stories offer some kind of paradise or haven that maybe it's somewhere out there if not in here if we've lived and believed long enough of a faraway land where we can be saved and when we get there can call it Home even though we still feel orphaned, yet Home never left us. And in a way we are because being away from Truth is being away from us and the only Home we will only Truly know. How then can we not feel lost and forsaken and the worst we can possibly feel.

Paradise can also be everywhere and in anything we may not consider it could be and in a lot of things we know it couldn't be but have the greater Truth in them. But we won't know it if we don't consider the inner and outer as One and where we want to be where we already are. If we wait for it to show up, we'll miss it and the grace and holy benefit of its revelation and pure Truth standing right in front of us.

We just don't see it or go there when our vision is lowered and clouded over, or our mind dimmed of Truth or reality for what we don't choose to see or choose to be and because we often struggle in the having and don't let the choice and the real place choose and have us. But sometimes you have to flip paradise to find the real Heaven, otherwise Hell will always be right side up and the bad all over the place.

"Be peace unto the day saved, and the day saved will be peace and the day saved unto you."

Could it be as Jesus says, "The Kingdom of Heaven is within" and that the light of eternal Heaven resides in us? Are we supposed to tap into or access what Deepak Chopra in his book How To Know God calls the knower? Our inner guide? Our inner source? Is this the place, and actually, the same place we're looking for and the source that's looking for us but nowhere but with us, and actually,is us? But maybe more than a place is it the True state and True Being and the True reality and Truth of All Being and who we really are?

Isn't Spirit in everything and so no matter where we are how we are and no matter what before us, or us, before it, this could be our experience and reality and our freedom and release from illusion and pain to the life not lost and the life we've longed for and yet to live that is living in us and living us if we can harness its Truth and its purer understanding?

Or are we to continue living life with the wrong tools and the wrong beliefs but needing to forge our iron in the fire of revelation and the reality of Truth as the way of the casual and Spirited warrior by innocence and all that is good and sure. There are fits and starts to peace, but we have to start and leave what threatens it to the least of our considerations and to all the dark that won't see the light of day.

Peace is a sign of understanding. Unrest is a sign of not knowing what peace understands but knowing more of what is not understood but believed. The proof is in how one wishes to be, not in how one is or can be. If there is no difference, there is understanding. If there is, you have yet to know and truly become what is better to believe and Truly understand.

In The Course In Miracles Jesus says, "Spirit is in a state of grace forever. Your only reality is Spirit. Therefore, you are in a state of grace forever."

Is paradise a real place in our day and lives accessible to us at any moment and at any time? Would it be if the place we're looking for is where we came from and where we are going back to and where and who we are? Is it a place, a locale, a destination, more than a feeling, a knowing, an awareness, or a Being?

Are we not liberated by our own choice and volition for the good we want and for the given as freedom fighters for our own cause and by the God who wills for his children what they will for themselves? As holy scripture says, "Who the Father sets free is free indeed."

Jesus also says everything is in divine order and that we are where we are supposed to be. We can change it if needed and move to the better, but acceptance of where we are and what we have is the path forward and the first step on the road to the higher desire and to healing and that greater place if we don't want to take the other with us or let it be what we think it is even though it's just and right in and of itself until we realize and Truly know what is right and True and what we really want to live and be.

But if we condition or deny what is or what life is showing us, we can only get by default more of the same or want we don't want and we will be unable to pivot from it or make adjustments for a better scenario and a better feeling place if only because it would feel and be better.

If we continue to disallow what can bring us back to its Truth and accept everything else that brings the unwanted to us that lacks the peace and holy Spirit of Truth, we will remain stuck in something or somewhere we don't need to be. Spirit will always show and tell us how True our false choice is by its suffering and separation from reality and the peace ever present and within.

Conditioned and impermanent things in this world pass us by on our way to understanding them and what is Truly at hand if we don't keep them and make them what they are not. It leaves what's left in eternity and its unforsaken Truth and the permanence of its chosen but only reality. The process is not the enemy of Truth or the real battle to be won but through it the way back to the beginning of the never-ending end of its unfolding and comprehending and its saving.

Perception is a display or a take on what can be reality and potentially not just from an observer's point of view. It can lead to Truth and not just one's own personal reality that lives and does not die if it's not based on fears or judgments or on beliefs that hinder peace and well-being. It can inform of better things to come if the feelings and thoughts it generates enhances and elevates life and does not cause or promote further false realities not worth divine eyes or Truer realities.

What one can Truly see only works when it's not only what you think you know but when what you know is how you can think and believe and when what is perceived can be not the lesser part of what it can conceive but the greater of what can be the holy experience so one can Truly know and what blesses and does not damn or harm itself and only extends and adds to life itself.

Perception will set the tone of your reality but will not define or be the miracle and reality and the Truth of its True vision and the clarity of Heaven's Hallelujah but that eyes may see and Truly know The Wonder and Prize and The Wizard of it all in, and for always.

Stress and dis ease is war with reality and our True state of Spirit encoded in our souls and very being when you concede to and make True a false narrative and make peace the least of desires to win over and its loss the sacrifice of the free. Phantoms of reality are our lives as we live and believe them to be as facsimiles of reality made to be created as the living Truth and True presence of The All, but is not it, and falls short of its reality and its awareness in us and the light reverie and shining light of peace and its more informed grace and understanding and benevolent and more fulfilling ways.

This is what makes it hard to live the realities we choose when we mis understand or misplace the ones that would save us and that would bring better and lighter days and when we have misplaced ourselves away from the nature of God's truth and every natural and liberating thought we can have and experience along the way.

But for peace to be known it has to be forgotten, because only what you would know has to be remembered but yet not what needs to be made True. If it's to be the experience it has to be what always was more than what could or might be since then it's more reliable in showing up more often.

Its experience in our lives can be elevated to the holy and divine reality we're really searching for that can rise us out of the dark dilemmas that can invade the eternal light and that can stop the forward momentum of goodness and all we allow it to offer.

"When your heart turns to the world, your mind starts to understand its place in it and where the better can be found."


I was in my car parked in a favorite parking space of mine in one of my favorite cities of my favorite bookstore doing what I Loved most which was relaxing and unwinding or reading and was suddenly tuned into the sounds of the city, but maybe I should say, the feel and energy and also maybe the woes of the city. I couldn't help but take in and I guess would say, receive, what was going on in its soul and life here on earth and in the people that were living it, or trying to live through it.

I think it was more than a reaction to the speeding cars and the chaotic sounds of the city, or the frustration of not being able to Zen out or completely relax that got my attention or that prompted me to thinking, but more that I was feeling, something, that there was a call being made "out there" one that wasn't being heard by the caller or fully understood by the receiver and that there was suffering going on because of it.

What I wrote down is my interpretation of the feelings and the thoughts that it generated and what I was inspired to write when I connected to my humanity and my person and the world at large. There have been some additions, but it remains largely intact and original.

"Why does the city still feel unsettled, uneasy, like there is still something not at rest or some trouble rumbling; a suttle or hidden expression of an unsettled need possibly not recognized or brought to the surface of awareness and self-admission at least in the ethers and halls of honesty and innocence, outside of fear and pain and doubt and confusion. We wander in the wilderness in our own Home with Pain overgrown with the deadness and dryness of false Life and unreal reality and false assumptions.

"There's an anxious feel, and also pain and suffering, but not quite understood to the ones who might not believe what is normal may not be natural if to feel good is to feel bad first as they strive and hope for a better feeling and a better day. When you can't see or hear Angels there are only Demons about and the howls of the unholy and the cries of untruth.

"But the healer is not far away and waits for its welcome quietly overseeing and surveying all that is adding to its awakening and understanding and to all that would be well again and all that would be understood of the Life that brought them to it and to its greater and higher state of being.

"The departure from its reality has taken over the lush, green fields of True awareness and Truth and the wisdom and insights of True identity and just cause and has taken a toll in the world we live in. It has not allowed us the benefit of recognizing or being aware of the real world above it all that would save us or we ourselves that would save the world we've made a part of us if only by what we bring to its True reality and desire and to its fruition we have agreed with for it.

"Some misconstrued or mal understood cause or desire is in the air and is the reason for being lost, but more, the

reason for being left in the dark about the unknown, which

is only the clarity of the very Truth and understanding

within and within all life that only requires doing away with or looking past the man-made constructions or illusions that

no longer serve the living and the prospering and those

headed for True creating and real God making."

"There are those who don't believe what they cannot see, and worse, what they can see they choose not to see and then strain to notice what is right in front of them that would tell them more possibly even the Truth that could save them greater than they have been not helping or saving themselves.

"If they would relax their vision into True awareness and see with the clarity of its higher understanding and assurance for the better and live according to their True desires they will have it and will find what they have been missing and will feel and experience the joy and revelations of what

has been forgotten but brought back to remembrance and

to reverie and themselves back to sanity.

"They are into the "little hurts" though big in unforgiving experience and the arduous path. They have made True the small that can loom large when you don't know what you really have or have chosen. They can seem as all of what can only be experienced or chosen and then made True but false to its greater experience of Truth and to the choices worth living and feeling and being.

"They don't let what's real take its rightful place and let the big ships rise with the big guns or let the high sails of True Life ride the winds to calmer and safer seas. We should not work against the less arduous passages in our day

allowing what would harm them or land them aground.

"Most entertain the lesser deeds and considerations that

lead nowhere if only to where they don't want to go or be

and where nothing good can go or can be found. They

waste their time in their illusions and delusions of salvation

and create and foster the conditions that would have them

come True still believing their saving grace has come to

save them not knowing it's a thief in the night looking to

steal their sunshine and their joy and their treasures of


"They often don't realize they can choose and create better and brighter and the reality above all others and that they can have real salvation and real benefits in life if they would come to the Truth of its light and step away from the sharp and hardened and rough edges and cloaks of darkness and unrest.

"No moment is worth what does not give back or what would take away if it only offers and never denies what damns and brings down not what raises higher, shines brighter, and rings Truer. If it doesn't allow the Truths and joys you're looking for revelation is lost to your finest hour of it and every moment in it.

"You can only expect to be lost in a world where the illusion of time becomes the most real event to what you're Truly looking and searching to find you can be assured in. The grace and restoration and renewal of reality is worth every moment it is given to be received. If it's devalued what do you really have and what has been wrought instead. What has been lost and what have you made in the greater moments of strained but diminished value and uninformed and malformed Truth best to not keep with you or to live in you.

"But every moment has worth and value and Truth when it is seen for what it is The All in all there is and when it is not

extinguished or exchanged for the false and the devalued and the wasting and disguised as light in its darkness or peace in its chaos and as clarity in its confusion.

"Progress is often stalled to enlighten the unaware for what they will not see and know but only needing to open their eyes and realize there is something else going on and

other than what they have chosen to see and believe that

would ease their pain and unease and give them insight

into something closer to what they are really looking for

and where they really want to go and where they really

want to be."

"If you don't go with the flow, you'll crash standing still and be upstream to the waters that would cleanse and save you where you are."


It's said that Man is complex having inside him an array of considerations and defenses and approaches to weed through and to reach equilibrium of right action and benevolent thought and to be a worldly Being of Spirit for the ideal and for the good. His simplicity is his complexity disguised as the straightforward and True but lacking his untangled clarity and vision present despite his wanderings from and imaginings of the easy and helpful.

He is ever in one way, or another, trying to find or understand himself but often by non-self-benevolent or non-helpful means and by actions that would seem to defy a more innocent reason that in his True nature could only bring him there. All things do work for the good, but many need not to be undertaken or utilized and are unnecessary if the goal is to stop fighting battles that are already won of the good that will always be.

If he does not start by going within in his search for understanding what is outside him will always be a mystery and his master and hard to get to or It'll be his fear and defense against death and his only reality making false things the only Truth and his saving grace the only thing that would damn him by it.

Man needs less to understand or be revealed to him than what he would accept in his inner being as who he is and the world as it Truly is as another approach or idea toward True knowledge and real knowing, which accepts all but chooses specifically and precisely what it can be and can live more abundantly and more freely. He gains best and his best gains are from refusing to be lead or taken over by what does not inform of the greater, not the least, or the lesser, of his better knowing or what does not take him there or extend to him salvation or rest from war.

What else can only cause him harm and delusion and separation from the Oneness and Truth from which he came that causes his complexity to be his simplest understanding. He feels the clarity of the Truth is hard to get to from where he is and because of where he's gone away from where he's put himself only because he's not where he is that he wants to be.

Man makes Man complex because he thinks Spirit is hard to figure out because of where he is not because of who or where he really is and where he can Truly be found. Spirit is in his life because it is his life because it is in him and his only reality in his experience of that and all he will ever Truly or really know.

The take Home is that we can settle in in its simplicity and in its abundance of Truth and in its uncomplicated peace. It's said God is quiet because there is no conflict in him. If there is turmoil and noise, we are far from The All and the silence that lives within us and who we really are.

Common sense is the road to the smarts and well-being of Heaven and to the intelligence of the honest and peace - seeking and knowledge and Truth Loving and heart-driven man. He knows the rightness of all things because his thinking and heart go with it and is on the right track in balance and in harmony with the knowing and considerations of God and his fountain of all True and enduring knowledge and realities the foundation of all he will ever know.

"If you place God and life before you God will place you alongside and with him and above death and below the rise of suffering."


The cup of knowledge is simply the cup of knowledge of Truth and the real man on earth and the Spirit on earth as it is in Heaven and the remembrance of his True Self and real identity and his True knowledge. His identity is not altered or in question or hangs in the balance in his world but can seem missing and can be misidentified and miscreated by him in his confusion or wanderings and stirrings away from it and himself and by his outer world that would tell him otherwise and who it says he is. It is ever in him being of his God and every Truth that would bear his name and rise with his understanding.

To the extent he doesn't return or draw near it his experiences and perceptions will be what they will and will not bring forth what he Truly desires or what would free him from his own bondage of unknowing. He only needs to come back to remembrance then can he see and realize all else has sought his own false identity so it can continue to be itself and untrue.

The divine cup of Truth is the returning and the remembrance of Man's origin and True identity. It is the all of his Being and his understanding of the All of life and the All of his God and the purpose of his only God. It's Holy elixir nourishes and strengthens his knowing and belief of the reality that is in him and that saves and that bestows upon him his own Salvation. To drink from it is to know he is Home with himself. To believe in it is to know he never left it.

He receives and chooses and delights in what is best he can hold as his clarity of his light of Truth for his benefit and for the blessing bestowed all who come to the higher reasoning and right mind of their experience and to what benefits them in all that does not cause him harm.

This will always be his joy and his peace because it resides in them and he ever with every good thought and every True belief he can hold in the purity of its innocence and the greater intelligence of his Love he accepts as his own. In the absence of what is asked for and received what is given can only come from the given, but not by what would give but by the heart of True reception.

Many are not ready to heed the call. More will suffer because of this. Few will be freed who don't break through to what doesn't resist them who aligns with what they have forgotten is the better of what they would know and remember. This the conundrum and the curriculum of the weary wheel and the way of the unaware and wayward Man but also the hard lessons that come harder when the easier path is not taken.

What can be known and rediscovered is the resurrection of Man's knowing Spirit and the natural Homecoming of his yearning soul undeterred by the world he inhabits when he just listens to his source and to the divine call to remembrance and pursuing Self salvation. Then will joy have come in the morning and the formula and the elixir for success have been found and understanding and peace more often the norm by her grace and by divine right and divine sight and by True and divine light.

"We're all ridding the same horse on a one pony carrousel"


We are the subject. The curriculum is Life. The lesson plan is re-member-ing and reintergrating and rediscovering The Pearl of Great Price and who we really are. Recovering our soul. We cannot fail a course we have planned and we have set in motion and that we set on winning, but we can refuse to learn or remember it or deny its teaching and its value and purpose and what we came to gain from it once again.

In time, and beyond it, lessons will be realized for what they are and they who sleep will become the awakened and those who hurt will find relief long last from themselves. Choice will be finally understood as the creator of what can only be. Thoughts and feelings and intent will be realized as the genesis and originators of their own creations but not before intent and will have had their say.

Until then everyday will be like any other; a choice between peace, or dis ease. Heaven, or the hellish. There are no other offerings or considerations. One is going towards one or the other. It's the fastest way to their fulfillment and reality for the better, or for the worst, but don't need time to be known only to be denied and reconsidered or to be embraced and believed. Jesus says, "The Kingdom Of Heaven is within." It's where we are. But it starts with us. The onlu U-turns are from where we begin and where we end.

Every moment we walk with God, or with the Devil, knowing the Devil is not real only a byproduct of what we deny of God. If we walk with God even just a little bit we will feel the fullness of Heaven and will be a little bit further down the line and ahead. If we walk with the Devil we will have just begun to feel Hell and will be as far back and as far below as we could be and in the throes of what we imagined it would be without our Truth and our God in Heaven.

If we stayed with and honored life and the source of our Truth we would experience the joy of every paradise and the solace of every cushioning Heavenly cloud that would soften every blow against it. If the best choice is reduced to or confined in deference of the lesser then the lesser would be the greater but only by the limitation of the freedom to choose other and so the least of all or any other.

The one choice above all others can be known if what can be chosen is free and liberated to choose itself and not what would never allow or except it by any consideration and only by its conclusions and only its better. To an outer world in need what can be given and received is what doesn't serve the choice but is a replacement for it and for the freedom to choose it but giving and holding and offering nothing.

But it's not just about what you choose or where you are going to have it but also or more about who you are when you get there when you choose and have it. If it's not good, or where you want to be or what you want to have, you haven't left yet or gone anywhere and have little and yet to find yourself and to Truly have the treasures of your True desire and your True life.

"The easier road is often the hardest to set foot on but not to walk through."

"What looks out but is what it sees."


Sometimes we have to shed the worldly form and put on the cloak of knowledge and awareness and of True identity to find the Truth of Truths and the True visions of all that can be known and a life that would comfort and soothe and save, not cause distress and dis ease and damn. But this not before its hands wield its ways as we accept the dark to know of the light and the unwanted for what is Truly desired.

And as there is suffering there is also the chance to awaken to joy and to the God within and without and to awaken to the True nature of existence and life. This is the True goal and journey of God. This that God and reality and well being are received as one and made known and whole and made real to the false - manifested reality of all untruth and to the narrow realities and Truths of Man and what he has chosen instead.

There is also the opportunity to realize the innocence of our purpose and the desires of our True identities, which are knowledge and Self knowledge and self Love and acceptance perfect in its conception and its living and Loving, and, in its unfolding and giving and in the influence it can have on what we Truly want to live and who we really want to be.

The way to peace is through remembrance and this understanding and entertaining this True belief and feeling what we have gone away from. It's the way of the True warrior in life and the only way to Truly know. And if all you can understand is your humanity and your innocence then what else is there to know and to find and to believe and to find solace in, because then you have what you were searching for and the thought and Love and True consideration of God.

I believe this just takes common sense, which is the road to the smarts of Heaven and our better knowing and to the higher intelligence of the peace-seeking and Truth-driven. They know the rightness of all things because they know themselves and because their thinking is in alignment and balance and in harmony with the knowing of the higher considerations and assuredy and faith of God.

She chooses and delights in what best she can hold as her clarity of her light of Truth for her benefit and for the blessing bestowed all who come to the reasoning and right mind of all things and to all peace. This will always be her joy and her peace because it resides in them and in her where she is with every good thought that brings her to them and that brings her back Home to understanding and innocence.

"To change anything change yourself. If you can't change yourself change nothing, for a change."


Change happens but it's not only what is happening that makes it the True change but also what is doing the changing. Truth, reality, perfect innocence, and Love's higher intelligence are the constants and unchanging but also creative realities of Man and the change he is really looking for and after. In the process there is a remaking or recreating of the unchanging making more perfect all created by it and the sorce already perfect and created from it.

Change is the hallmark of Perception and the seat of new creation and the ideal close to but not actual Truth as it is still far from unchanged knowledge and True to its change back to reality. This reality is the very knowing and the Being and reality of God. But perception and the unreal in their changing are often made to take the place of changeless Truth and the realities of perfected and True vision but aside from their function cannot replace its own saving grace.

What is perceived and false takes many forms, but none is greater than the one that would have you believe is the unchanged Truth and your very salvation. They all don't have lasting meaning or real value and the energy of True life or True memory of the good, except for what you give it which is all it needs. But what we can rescue from the binds of self delusion and Self sabotage is ourselves from ourselves which can only be change worth the motion and change possible by any notion.

Self illusion and its unchanging and persistent ways is not the changeless form or Truth we seek and the clarity we look for the real. It's the changeless stuck in its change for the worse but offering nothing new to made of True life and True change for the better, because outside ourselves it does not exist.

Its senselessness should be quite apparent but kept apart from Truth appears to have meaning and Truth and to be real but its litmus test is does it enlighten and save and does it bring the searcher back Home to peace and understanding and closer to knowledge?

Or is there more work to be done in its remembrance and in the cultivating and bringing into focus awareness of our only reality ever unchanging, ever creating, ever enlightening, ever bettering, and ever True.

The question, you might say, is can you keep enduring and making constant what doesn't endure or what isn't True. You might ask what is True -- What lasts and doesn't kill not what is fleeting and takes many forms and takes away from anything it can because of it's fear of its own demise. But I think you can answer yes, you can. Until you realize you can't when you do it all over again.

If we are to keep the good and the lasting we need to shed all that we entertain and conjure of and reinvent or just take from the world of the less benevolent and serving that although visit only to return never ends its cycle till we end its life of reality and Truth and damnation by will but not by True desire. It's a simple prescription but often a hard pill to swallow.

"Choice is not Truly free if what is freely chosen is thought to be the only choice or only what can be believed to be the choice not what could be conceived and Truly freed and a choice worthy of choosing and having."


Everyday is a choice for liberation or imprisonment. Freedom, or containment. True joy, or absolute sadness. And change for the better. It's all the same choice, or choices, and the choice above all others but a choice that can be unchosen or not chosen for the sake of others. If it's not a choice to serve or to bring relief or to lighten the dark corners it's a choice to undo and to suffer for and to be bound and not Truly benefit by.

What do we choose that we would live as the gatekeepers of light and freedom and peace and the bearers of joy in every Sun ray of peace or as the caretakers of darkness or as guardians of the shadow in the dark or as lifeless beings in a world where life was meant to live? But darkness cast on a Sun ray does not make the Sun less bright but the dark greyer and the grey darker and the day not what it could be.

We should be aware that everything is this choice between peace or suffering. You are always one step in one direction, or the other. Toward one, or away from it but always headed to your destination but possibly in the wrong direction toward the least of them. If there were more choices, you would choose them more often and be halfway to your destination feeling half as good or not as bad as you could be.

You will have what you desire and be where you want to be when where you stand is every other place that you make where you would have you be and not where you wish you could never be, because you stand in, and are with you, always. This is what you can call True choice and True freedom. And this is what you can call the True Salvation you are looking for.

Though can we really say we have free choice and freedom when we choose to keep ourselves confined to one choice and don't allow ourselves the freedom to choose what is actually helpful and that doesn't weigh us down with false narratives and mis informed beliefs and misguided assumptions?

This is really no choice at all, because it hinders and degrades all natural liberation and all good choice by all counter and damning and unworkable considerations against and not for them which may seem like choosing but it's really the choice for nothing at all?

Freedom is not freedom if you don't or can't choose it freely as it is a choice, too, even though it seems any choice is the True definition of freedom and as good as any and the only real reason to choose. But if you think about it even though in many ways this is True, or can be, the True and real definition of freedom is the right to choose freely the best choice, and internally, we all know what that is or should be.

If you unbind yourself from your own chains and the lesser of false choices you'll know you have chosen the right one(s) and your day and life will show it also unless the least of choices are so ingraind in your life that they seem the best possible choices but don't have much to appreciate if we would be honest with ourselves. We still complain when what we get is not what we really asked for but didn't give or allow ourselves to have. You can't snuggle or cozy up with the big bad wolf or the Devil and complain about the fangs and the heat and then ask why is it with me and why do I feel this way? They're a given and the only offerings chosen and not likey to lay down or cool their bite. We tend to replicate what is familiar to us and the darkness and the hurting we know too well we don't want to know or repeat so well.

People are often immersed in tensions foreign to the birthing Spirit of ease born of peace and True calm and restful nights and not dark nights and unsettling wars and bad dreams of forgotten identity and True reality.

When we understand ourselves then to understand others and to understand it all. To understand ourselves is to understand everything, because we are the first focal point and because everything seeks to understand and we to understand what we Truly seek and who we Truly are. Then what do we not call our peace and where do we not see what could give it. And what, then, do we not call our day and Life saved.

Only those who seek knowledge of the Self and who strive for understanding of True knowledge and more perfect perception are Truly free. Only those who will go the extra mile to find it will already be there and have it.

Only those who go beyond where they are and what they know, by Self-reflection, will and can be where they want to be and will be who they Truly are and will know more than what they understood and will be called The Knowers and the stewards of Heaven and knowledge and the bringers of happiness and serenity or contentment. They will know what they need to know and understand because they will have come back to themselves and what they have forgotten by bringing themselves there.

Balance in thought and fairness of mind are the way toward this and to the wisdom and knowledge of its Heaven and to the compasion and understanding that rides over it all, bridging the world with the intelligence and forces of the relaxed and sound God and its Spirit and the nature of those assured in the knowing where they thought to go and be they could find and find in themselves and then share it in peace.

The world has no power or dominion over what's real and reality itself and will not give you answers on its own and of its own. It only hints of them and inspires prayer. It is the best thing it has going for itself and the best we can hope for to receive and the best way to have our prayers answered.

Yet in our want and desire for clarity and peace we have to resist trying to attain them by confusion and chaos and disharmony or by delusion and illusion, which is enough to confuse and unsettle anyone and the best way to not have and to be furthest away from them and from our True Home.

"Never forget who you are, for otherwise you'll know and have nothing and will have a lot to show for it."


Our cup runneth over but never to overflowing, for that which fills there-within flows from the eternal fountain and source of abundance and all enduring Heavenly measured things. It's never ending and never quenches the divine source of its spring and all that is filled with its eternal Being and all the good it can hold, but yet is more than enough to bring joy and all that's needed to the wanting.

The eternal cup is never satisfied but fulfills the one who drinks from it and who rests in its refreshing elixir and all that flows in it knowing it has only begun to fill with more to flow and only begun to runneth over.

What can one be filled with and that comes back to her that is already in her but when she returns to it is more present and she more reassured her return has been True and that its absence was only an illusion of the lack of abundance and the narrow vision of what could be seen.

When she emerges with her light her cup will tell her she will see The day and make and seize The Way to the rebirth of the human God and the Sweetness and wonder of its wise and divine and fulfilling nature.

"Seeing is believing, but when you Truly see you can Truly believe and Truly be.



We see and believe many things. We see what we've believed in the manifestation of it sometimes right away, sometimes after a while, or during or after a long life lived for the good, or for the not so good. Whatever that is often not much can loose it from us or shake it off of us, especially if the faith and passion of it is so high and if our belief(s) has been in dedication to or in sacrifice of who we think we are and the life we've chosen and decided to live.

Our beliefs can be so ingrained in our thinking and in our resolute convictions it can be missed that they hinge heavily on perception and experience as far as what they will be and what they will or can do, which doesn't necessarily favor or is not always in alliance with the Truth and what is really at hand.

They are perfectly imperfect in their loose and often misinformed and misguided connection to reality, at their worst, and ultimately to True knowledge, and how they make us feel is often not enough to change the tide in whatever waters they're in even if they are unfriendly and untimely. At their best, they create Heaven on earth and a life of True revelry and real happiness and lasting joy.

It should be said though that perception and the unreal change and are made to take the place of changeless Truth and the realities of perfected vision. What is perceived and false takes many forms but none has lasting meaning or real value or real life except what we give it.

They also don't have True memory of the good save for what we may rescue from the bonds of Self delusion and Self sabotage of our better knowing rescuing ourselves from ourselves and the better from the worse. They may think they have memory of the good but that's why they are beliefs and not what they could be. And that's the rub. You can only know when you know.

It also takes keen senses and real honesty and a heart of faith and courage and an openness to consider other, especially if our beliefs leave a trail of disappointments or suffering and if not much good fruit comes from their seeds.

But it's also good to just let those things be as the lyrics say in a song that "some things just look better passing through." I would add it's also better for us because our beliefs don't always go where we really want to go and just drag us down and stall our forward momentum and Spiritual progression and what we really what we need to know.

It's senselessness is not shameless but is quite apparent though if we bring our finer senses to it. Kept apart from Truth it appears to have meaning and Truth and to be real and something you can Truly see, but its litmus test is does it enlighten and save and does it bring the searcher back Home and back to peace.

Or is it wispy and fleeting and as flimsy as it may seem solid and True. If it doesn't there is more work to be done in its remembrance and in reconnecting to our only reality and our only True knowing and more higher, common senses in the mind of the logical and reality and Truth-based God within.

Perception's laws are subservieant because they can't really lead or be the ruler or master of Truth beyond it and are not an intergral part of Truth but kindred to it and a gateway to its reality and to knowledge and so a part of it and the greater understanding in the big scheme of things and can be close enough to what it is that they can sometimes offer something good if our perceptions are made more perfect and so closer to what is never false or untrue.

When the good and the True get nearer and keep showing up you know the better of them are at hand and that you are closer to it so you can really know. And you will. Feelings are the language of the soul and don't disappointment.

But what is True of knowledge is also True of all that look for the changeless form of unity and oneness that no one is not an integral part of that is all around us. This takes sight uncommon to eyes half open and half used but wholley under appreciated.

Really internalizing this Truly informs and enlightens. Anything that's good only turns only changes back to itself and back to True and real freedom and to True and real Salvation for the one stuck in other worlds and visions and false narratives and other realities born of the untrue but dead to real Life and the good. It takes a little investigating what's really there but it's only really about removing the veil to you so how much work can there really be. How much work is needed. And much work is worth the understanding and the receiving of its Truth. Thats's it for this session and chat. Let's get together again for another good word.

"If peace is not your final word, you have said nothing."



Well, were at work. But don't let them fool ya. I know it looks like the ghosts are clocking out (They actually still have about an hour to go) but that's their deception; They're really only clocking IN. They're always clocking in. They think you won't notice. But look how happy they are as they are "leaving" their work day. Yeah. No. These ghosts have only just started their work and burn the midnight oil for it.

For these perfunctory ghosts It's like Christmas morning or like they just saw Santa or like their mom's have cookies in a cookie jar waiting for them they can actually have. That part is actually True:) But they're just going around and circling back. That's why they're happy-- They get to go back to playing with and fooling you! They're so transparent! Can you tell me something else about them in this animation? You may not notice right away.

We tend to have blinders on with what's real and what is not or with what's really there for us to see that we can believe. What we believe we see we see because we want to but can have nothing to do with what is really there or with what we should or maybe even see but deny or with reality itself. If we choose to see only what we believe is there we can create a reality that isn't and the unfortunate after affects of that which can only be and can only harm.

What riches could you have or be given by means of the world, who's riches of darkness give to many but spare none in their offering and in what they cannot give and who's illusions put asunder every child of Heaven and of The Holy Truth and divine treasures of God.

"If you can dance with the wolves you can keep the howls of darkness at bay."


Seeing and believing in a True thing can take us to a True thing and a True place and to a greater vision and understanding of reality and a greater version of itself and to some kind of True presence despite anything else that tries to assume that Truth or reality or presence or our place in it.

I do believe that although it's said seeing is believing that what you believe is what you can and will Truly see. But can the Truth be too hard to believe? Yes. If it's not yours. No. If it's not just yours. Maybe, unless it is, or, maybe not, if it's not.

Can we Truly find or realize or see what it is to know and Truly understand and what we can be sure what is in front of us is what's real and what we're looking for when we're not looking that way and trying to find something we already have?

A key hint to the answer is to ask where will we place what we will place and want to find when and where it will always be there for us and where will we place ourselves with it where we always are or were and it, also.

What if we knew only one thing. Could it be True if it wouldn't exist if all other possibilities would or could also be True and exist with or without it? Could one way to look at something be the all of everything if it's the only possibility given or ascribed to it though many or other viewpoints could also be and could also have within it the right or better one even though at the time we don't agree with it?

I believe Acceptance of the many allows the acceptance of the one we choose because denial is complete and True and doesn't give way or consideration to the honored and the given and the free.

All that matters is because it matters to you. All that is or comes to be is what matters because it has come from you to you. All that's True is because of what is True to you from you, which can only be True because it's only made by you for you and really for no one else except and but you. All that matters is, you, and all benefit by it.

We will manifest what we desire and what we believe and what we will say it is and want it to be but not the fault of the manifestation or the world it may mirror or it may represent for what it is or what it has become if it's the least of True desire if what that is the greater false that could be chosen and the greatest of the unwanted.

Then the matter is not the blame for the ideal but the ideal the cause of the matter and the manifestation of the unreal and the untrue making the right ideal missing (but made what's false) and none and too few.

"Truth is not in the suffering. It's because of it. But suffering is not Truth because it's not of it."


Patience is reality and the defense against the injustices of frustration and what harbors and holds in time what outside of it gives when it is released not held back or denied and made the Truth. But we often think or feel that patience is just having to wait for what's stalling our receiving what we want, not what we should have or what would Truly help or really satisfy. Even if it's good, and we want, it won't be given if it's not already there to be received and taken, which it is.

If anything is justified and "right" by itself, it is. But can it find a greater Truth if it includes all other causes and considerations with it and possibly other realities in the distillations of and to its greatest Truth? If it doesn't its justification is solitary and confined to itself and lacking the wholeness of its Truth by not considering and departing from it and can keep one in the weary wheel of distress and illusion.

If it's the only way to the Truth supported by all except anything else or what it can't or won't include or acknowledge with it it is a part of how can it be what is or what it is or what's right and True if it could be. The test will always be how does it really make you feel and is that good enough for you.

If it's because of confusion we just don't know what to choose or what to believe or even to know or feel or to make of our world, or if we were to choose one thing to believe and experience then finding we have chosen mistakenly, the remedy is instinctual and reliable and based on honesty and awareness and your True feelings and True desires.

It's also based on the innocence of True desire we can tap into by decluttering and recomposing our better senses and better knowings allowing us clearer and lighter experiences where our higher and True perceptions can reveal the greater Truth of Truths and the clarity and sanity of their reality.

When the smoke clears we know that there is clarity and knowledge and better and higher understandings and that it is easier to come by than what you would think and the way to Truly receive and believe.

But can you confuse someone towards the Truth instead of leaving them in the clarity of their false thinking and hoping for the better? Because in one you'll get there and may have something. In the other, you've seen and known too much and can't get very much or very far at all.

And if it's because of the Truth they are confused then it's a good thing if confusion is not knowing but also not, not wanting to know or not being open to knowing or to the answers that bring to light the Truth and what would hide or obscure it.

Confusion is often the result maybe because of what one can only believe in in the false and because of what appears to bring and give the most clarity and sense of well being and clarity of knowing if peace by misunderstanding or by denial is their light and their solace and their grace and if their sense of what is thought to be True or what can be believed is what would save them from the enemy of their will to not know.

But it does not save them from the effects of their disinformed and mistaken and chosen thinking. Although confusion is only possible when complex minds have made complexity the simplest to understand but the hardest to get through or around.

But you can only have or assume so much before everything goes dark and down the tubes and into the blues and you know less than you did before, because to not reconsider or change it into something else is to know less and the least of what can be done or what can be known or of what it is and what can bring you into the light of a greater knowing and understanding and Truer reality if you don't want to keep suffering without it..

The ancient Chinese philosopher Confucius said,

"They must often change those who would be constant in happiness or wisdom."


Our illusions, I call apparitions of Truth, and includes anything in life or in our minds, that, though it has innate purpose and can be used to break free to reality and to Truth itself is not really the Truth or where we came from or the Truth we go back to.

You only need only to try to be more keenly aware of what in your life or experience they are or even in your own beliefs and what may be producing or causing them you may be living and what they are doing in your life that tells you something's not right. A good test is to ask can this be True and how would I feel if it wasn't, or, if it was. It shouldn't take much time or effort if your gage is honest and if what it tells you or how it makes you feel is strong or obvious enough and the experiences that cause them.

These illusions don't Truly serve when it's all said and done and are often the hard way to go when we really need their opposite and the reality hidden within them. Life can be lived falsely if one seeks and chooses it, but you just get the unreal and a life that can't be True or believed or True to the reality and clarity of higher understanding and to the Truth of True being.

You can only live it falsely and in false ways when you step over or go past what would reclaim and liberate and set right the crooked that they could walk straight and clear the eyes of the blind who think they can see. The True barometer is what this is doing in any given life. The True test is what will be done about it less it go on and continue.

Apparitions of Truth are phantoms and killers of reality and the guardians of misunderstanding and the makers of all illusions and the unreal. They bring to life the false and the dying and the dead and the unreal to living reality and only cause suffering for those who don't move away from it or who don't remove the veil and cloak of its untruth and its relentless and merciless harm.

This is what is needed to stop living in the deadness or lifelessness of its many forms freeing the captives of its unforgiving and unrelenting and shadowy and misleading of ways. Life shows us many signs of where to go but can't do its job when we already have a foot in the other direction.

We can try to make True or alive the false and the baseless and try to make it the cornerstone of our satisfaction and our "success" and the guiding force of our lives, but they are the breeding ground and harbingers of the lifeless joys and hapless disappointments and the cause of the mysterious failures but also the sure pain and suffering.

When we believe in them enough we need no convincing or coaxing to fulfill and live out and agree with all that they have done and all that they are even though they cause and do nothing except what we believe or find they have done we wish could be undone.

To continue to live in the false is to continue to enlarge illusion and to make bigger the phantom to where you can't see through it to the other side to its reality making understanding a fleeting thing and knowledge and insight an apparition of Truth and a sad day for what is.

We will live as prisoners of what's not real because of what denys peace and understanding to all who have the greater realities and the greater Truths and the only peace within them not hidden but also not seen.

These illusions are only real when what's false is greater than what we would have us believe is not the lesser of the greater of what is True or of what may be conceived or Truly believed and all that needs to be known.

"We have to lighten up, because we were meant to FLY and SHINE."


Though apparitions of untruth are unkind and unrelenting they cannot forever jail or hold anything or anyone against the will of God who shares it with them, which is Truth unending and peace and freedom ever abiding and everlasting. This because they are the imaginings of the lost and the separated of reality by the believers of fantasy of make believe.

One can still be easily fooled and taken by what appears to be real and as their ally in purpose and True cause and in what ever life would be made to seem heroic or reasoned for the benefit for all but only damning and sacrificing at every turn rescuing nothing but deserting all. It could stubbornly seem their saving grace and as familiar as a friend who only helps in one way but really in no way at all, except taking them away from their salvation and from their True saving grace that could save it all.

We need to breathe in the air and breath of knowledge and honesty where redemption and the life renewed are placed in the hands of all realities of True faith killing the false and all non living illusions to Truly live and to Truly believe and to be free from the darkness that surrounds and that can be in us.

But reality will come in as we give up our false thoughts when we realize they were from but a dream where we believed we could not remember who we always were and what we always knew was True and real. God's Truths are simple and giving but also great in their understandings and their desire for the acceptance of miracles of salvation. This, is the Truth and the reality above and of it all.

Left by themselves the false or the wispy will appear as Truth and the real and the givers of great and True things but are only really disguised and hiding all they can't and shouldn't be and what you will grasp at but can't Truly feel or see, except the affects of a reality that is not really there and the sadness and the tears they are good at producing and good at leaving and good at repeating and reaping.

They are the roadblock to innocence. They are the impedance of Life's joys. They torment, harm, cause guilt or regret, breed vengeance, sadness, and even kill. They don't do anything good. Because they are a fantasy. Because they are conjured. Because they are the dark masquerading and in disguise as the sublime and the real and the Sweet but always leaving a bad taste in our mouths. And, Because we are not, IT.

What we can hope is that from the awakening to reality and the experience of well being and healing that can only result from it we can know what was causing us harm and distress and all manor of dis ease and unwanted suffering.

When we finally realize or decide that suffering and bewilderment is all it does offer we can finally say and realize we just don't want it anymore and can push it off. We eventually want to experience what's solid, what's really real, and what's Truly there and good for us, and what will bring us peace and real healing.

I'd like to share a writing of mine that speaks to this innocence and what's Truly important.

"I am not moved by my circumstance or my experiences except where they align with the Godly and The Heavenly. I stay away from the dark places if they don't bring me light and understanding if not in my own mind and where I am not but go towards and walk into the place(s) of my being where I am at Home there. Here I only move to the sound of my Love and to the beat of my God's peace in Heaven and in me and to the Truth of the all of her knowing and my own."

"If we're not dying with it, it's getting better. If we're dying to it, that's EVEN better."

These apparitions are all around (the skeleton just wanted to join in for the fun here. The ghosts didn't mind) mostly because we let them be or because we invite them in. We give them life and purpose and momentum and of course energy to do the bidding for the unreal and the false not for our Truth or reality. Then the world suddenly appears to have them when they are what our eyes can only see believe.

We cannot live this way if we want to be Truly happy and we wouldn't not be if we didn't first believe in the false or the unreal and if we didn't first choose to not see or believe in the True or the greater reality of what it would be that it could be if we would only be as real and as True as it can or could only be.

When we believe in them enough, when they are not stripped of any power or influence we allow them to have they don't have on their own, when they are our preeminent and predominant focus and our priority in the manifestations in our lives, is when we get into trouble and lose focus of what we once knew if only a long time ago and what we once had.

When we think we're getting gifts or treasures to enjoy and to adorn and gladden our lives we can still be left empty handed time and again with what we couldn't sell at a flea market of the useless in a bargain basement and discount starved kind of town.

These kinds of gifts take us on long vacations or trips away from reality and the light of our Truth to the darkest places we can find that never really shine or makes Truly happy.. But it is there. But we have to see it, first.

We can't easily find rest or contentment or what it is to experience True joy and a True moment in them when we are not open to the real and the only thing and moment that matters.

Every one of us are at choice in this and everyone of us has the ability to choose the right one. And every one after that are just replicas of every other in every moment of our lives in every place we find them or choose them to be that give and don't take away that give us a Sweet piece of reality and not the worse things that can't really be True or that we can swallow.

These Sweet moments of Truth are in us. And they can be in everything else and the world we would take them as also a morsel of its whole if we can really peer inside them for a taste of the goodness of its real offering to be where and when we want to be. The Sun emerges and breaks through when the clouds don't also rise with it and when it's not as fleeting as every good day end and every Sweeter and better thought that sets down on it.

Resurrection power is in the rise of Self declaration. The start of the day begins the process of its Truth and the experiences that bring it to light and ends in its greater understanding and in its blessing for a better tomorrow and greater remembrance of it. In its awakening you can find yourself and Spirit alive and with promise and raised anew and new once again where what was once dead to itself and to life can exit the dark day and can breathe the next morning air into its becoming and walk with the living and with its True Being.

The phantoms of existence are any kind of false thoughts or beliefs or ideas we have about ourselves or any action demonstrating the extremes of their wayward and non sensical perceptions and their useless and unhelpful approaches to life (and what results from them) and what it means 'to be living'. They cause all kinds of havoc and suffering and unfortunately are easily created by the ones not aware of them. They are assumed to be real but are not and instead are phantoms of destruction and made out of thin air.

I believe resistance in favor of apparitions of Truth is the cause of all suffering and distress and the cause of all dis ease. It's the resistance to Life and the purer and more natural stream of positive feeling and experience through choice and through and because of our Truest desire.

"So how do you go the fastest on the path of least resistance?. You keep it like that, and stay with it."


If we don't keep steady on our path the ghostly will remain and continue to go along their merry way and so too our being bound to them if we allow them to be the guiding light and phantoms of our True reality and our genuine happiness and the creators of the best we have to offer or the sentinels of our light and the way to our peace and to the good. God's template is for peace. Man's designs are for whatever may come in after thought but would do well to be in collaboration with the real presence of well being and the True source who offers it.

True faith is faith in reality and True light and True sight and prayer answered, which is what we can Truly see and appreciate and use but that does not harm or compromise and that is not unsure if we are sure in it and of it. It also does not offer phantoms of itself or illusions of the Truth that can only mislead and manifest invisible realities that are easy to believe but hard to take and hard to live through.

It's not the choice to better or benefit the ideal but to highlight the good and the Truer that matters in it all and that really matters. It makes all the good and the perfect and True more real and more good because of what it is, reasoned and validated by being what it always has been. It's also the refusal of the denial of its divine Truth and divine order in all things and the benefits of its understanding and all consuming and holy peace.

True faith in what Truly is, is the realization your faith can save you when what is really at hand is commanded by you and not dictated to you. This is the True desire. This is really your desire and is not compromised by anything that is not and that is unwanted or chosen out of fear or the mistaken belief there is no other way to believe or to have what you have and what is yours. You're never denied what is good and True and what you can Truly believe in and take Home with you.

It's the feeling and knowing that True feelings and True knowing can only come from True reality and from the only Truths that really matter that are in us because we are them. If we stick with it and train ourselves to get better noticing them in our becoming them it will always be there when we come back to them and know who we were.

If we can stay away from the wispy and the fleeting we can do it and can live a life that can only be what we wish to create that it may be that we can then Truly fly and soar above the chaos and distress along and fly in the high winds of our Beings and with the realities of its Truth and with the joys of its True experience of life.

Another writing of mine I would like to share:

"If understanding and True thought aren't made the victims of what was or of a dark parable past its time and prime then what is chosen instead will be its experience of a new Truth of a Truer light and a newer day in the present moment and so in the future as well.

"Blessed are those who receive and hold the only thing that matters; themselves, now, and as it was in the beginning, is now, will always be, their world, in peace, always, without end."


"Every day is a good day. What happens after that has nothing to do with it."


Every day really is and can be a good day just that we can take our eye off the holy Truth ball and can have blinders on in our True minds to see and feel and experience it and what we can only Truly know. Also because we allow the illusions the greater of their fair play and day and let them be the greatest Truth and reality offered and that we can find or believe in in our day and in our lives. The journey is inward. The benefit is outward that we would know it within. The Truth is All in All and its joy and goes forward.

But to solve its problems Man will make up what it thinks it needs or needs to keep or has to have and the days and experiences to fulfill them to fill the void only empty for what it has put in instead. But do you have to make up what is ready made for the Truly creating and Truly fulfilling that gives its all for the Truly believing?

Easy enough to do in our earthy and vulnerable human form and in this world but not for the divine Spirit we are, who doesn't recognize what it is not and for the soul of God who knows better and who is not afraid to choose better, or for the God who calls his children to consider instead the good and True they are really asking and longing for.

There is a recycling of passing darkness in a Universe of infinite light that is constant and stable and real. Its strength is in its reality based on the eternal and doesn't suffer what was never meant to endure or stay long. We will tend to recycle the "worst" parts of our day that we assume as greater or at least better because of what they appear to be showing or giving us.

This is a false impression we have to discard because they really do not help and because we eventually will and will remember what they really were and what was really True. This can be hard to get around or to make our way through if we place in our circle anything that gets in the way of greener pastures in fields of grey and blossoms few.

Nothing ever good ever leaves you if it stays and is with you. To argue for darkness is to leave the light and the good for it and to be and to say nothing at all. When you recycle darkness you get something that's half as good as it was bad or less and so worse than it could never be good or better than new leaving you without. What's worse than losing everything is losing nothing and thinking all is lost.

But we were born in and were made of gardens of paradise and the lushest and the greatest Truths ever known to human or Being. We have allowed ourselves to turn them into something else not resembling the pure life and energy that they are and the living source of all life that would ever be.

Rightness of mind doesn't require the experience to be perfect but for the experiencer to be made more more perfect in the soundness of his thinking. In The Eagles song, Hotel California, there are the lyrics that say, "There are some things to remember, some things to forget." What are you making the hard school of thought, and what to keep the least in remembrance. You can ask why do we forget? What better way to remember?

If you can't shine a light on the darkness find brighter spaces and places that can illuminate the dim corners of your world by revelation and by insight to find your light is your Truth and refuge wherever it is not found then find that you may be found in it and escape the fears of being without a Home you find yourself as much a part of as it is all of you. We have to remember we can't cozy or snuggle up with the big bad wolf or the Devil and complain about the fangs and the heat. It's a given.

But if the dark and the bad are your only hosts and invitation you can't blame the house with the lights on and good cheer for not inviting you to the party. This is how Man tries to solve its problems by inviting and highlighting the dark as some kind of rescuer of light by killing the lighted switch and the awareness of the Truth that can only live and shine free.

Aren't we free when we deny the dark and the enemy of Truth and peace when we don't stay bound to it by our own hands and chains? As the lyrics say in a song, "As prisoners of our own device you can check out anytime, but you can never leave."

This has made us not remember or believe in our True selves or a better day at all and our True friends in Spirit. There are remembrances and recoveries by grace but they seem short lived and too few. But here's the rub---nothing has to turn or be made into something it's really not or stay away for too long unless, well, it is, and, it does.

"If peace was all there was peace would never have been. But since peace isn't all there is it will always be, because Truth is never a lie but only what's real can ever tell and never die. And because in the presence of all that can be what is can and will always be."


Things can turn around because we are not on a straight line to where we are going but on a U-turn back to Truth and back to God. All is Heaven. And all is also choice for the other even though there is no other because All, Is. If God is everything and all there is, is there anything that can go against all there is? Yes. What it is not.

Someone can ask, "Is this of God?" It can only be answered with "well, if not, then it can't, couldn't ever, would never, and can never be called God, the creator of all and Man-made things, but also the creator of all True and real creations and all Truly living things Man would cast aside but from the false or the illusion of life can make it his reality and saving grace and his sign he is living what he has been seeking and what has been giving and seeking him.

When True meaning is missing it's hard to understand, but only because of what you haven't seen it in or not created what it would be because of it then only because of what it needs because you have denied that which you would receive and by it have it.

Truth and reality are not hard. But what can convince you of what you really need that can give you everything that you already have that you would say, "No thank you" to? Anything that you have denied of it taking instead what gives little and nothing but itself. We should always try to live in peace and reality but not always by default. What can be given and received that could take you to a new level of you and to the greatest place you can be? All you could ever ask for and receive and all it can give you and more that you can begin to know how much that is.

Sometimes we move with the motion of God. We work with God. And we're with God. Because it's the Truth. It is the way. We do things we wouldn't do but when it happens we ask why didn't we ever. What else could or would we do. We find our True Home. Truth. Honesty. Innocence. Kindness. And the Sweet had a pretty good day.

"Nothing's permanent, except the judgement that denies what may be set free again until its undoing and Truth's


If we know the Sun will rise and will set, the birds will fly and will nest. The wind will softly blow and then slow. And the children will play and have fun and smile. How much more can we doubt or deny or not know as surely as they that all is well and good and well in hand and as Sweet and that we are how we ever will be.

That Love and the real and the good still live and will always be will always be the solace and soft pillow to rest your head on telling you that you can't extinguish or change it and that it will never go away. It may just sleep for a while with the hope that it wakes greater, Truer, Sweeter, and as the greatest reality and paradise we will ever know but will awaken to the greatest dream it could ever imagine.

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